On each of our projects, we apply proven building science theory, practical experience, and new technology in order to deliver sustainable, constructible, and efficient solutions for our clients. Well-designed building enclosures have greater longevity with less maintenance and higher energy-efficiency.

Mike Lembke is an integral member of the Entuitive leadership team through his role as Principal.
Mike leads the building envelope team in Vancouver. His expertise includes the design and construction of building envelope systems for new buildings, and the restoration of existing buildings and heritage buildings. He has over 20 years� experience in building envelope consulting on projects throughout Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, including the residential, commercial, healthcare, institutional, sports, cultural, and retail sectors.
Mike is recognized by his clients as a dynamic leader who provides sound, progressive insight to help develop and achieve sustainable, building envelope solutions. He thrives in a team atmosphere, where close collaboration with clients and the design team results in solutions that equally benefit the project, client, and end user.

Mike Lembke
B.Arch.Sc., P.L.Eng., LEED® AP, RRO